Submit a request

If you believe your copyrighted work or other intellectual property rights have been disclosed or used within EVERYWHERE without your permission, you can submit a DMCA or takedown request to request that the content be removed.

Before submitting your request, please consider whether fair use, fair dealing or a similar exception applies. We may ask you to confirm you’ve made this consideration. The content identified in your takedown request won’t be removed if you don’t adequately respond or if a copyright exception applies.

WARNING: By submitting a notification of claimed infringement, you confirm that you are the holder of the copyrighted work or the copyright holder's authorized agent. You also agree that details regarding the notification may be shared with the account holder.

WARNING: Submitting a takedown notice is a formal legal accusation and will start a legal process. Please note that making false statements is unlawful. Build A Rocket Boy may take action (including EVERYWHERE account termination) against those who repeatedly and/or knowingly submit false takedown notices.